Impact Stories

FUNDAMOR Signs Contract with ADRA Timor-Leste
On Wednesday, 26 April 2023, ADRA Timor-Leste signed an agreement with the Fundasaun Amizade tanba Amor (FUNDAMOR)

ADRA signs grants to 4 CSOs for Numeracy and Business Literacy
ADRA Timor-Leste celebrated another important event by signing a grant Agreement with Civil Society Organizations members of the Women Network, Rede Feto, to implement the Numeracy & Business Literacy Program in Four Municipalities.

International Rural Womens Day 2022
The 15th of October 2022 is the celebration of International Rural Women’s Day. In Timor-Leste, we celebrate this international day with the national theme “Promoting Value Chain to Ensure Rural Women’s Products for Sustainability of Family Economic.”

Hakbi’it Feto Capacity Strengthening Workplan Workshop
ADRA Timor-Leste in partnership with Rede Feto Timor-Leste on Hakbi’it Feto Project, organised a workshop to gather ideas for developing the Capacity Strengthening Strategic Plan for the organization and draft the guideline for establishing a Learning Platform for the Rede Feto and its member organisations.
The workshop facilitated by ADRA Timor-Leste and was attended by representatives of the Rede Feto member Organisations.
The full story here

A Message to End Violence Against Women
Mrs. Maria Imaculada Guterres, the Executive Director of Alola Foundation, a member of Rede Feto, represented Rede Feto to participate in Kafé Dadeer/Morning Coffee on RTTL-EP channel on November 30, 2021.

Orange the World!
Read about our 16 Days of Activism activities and download a FREE 2022 Calendar

The Voice of Rural Women in the Context of International Rural Women’s Day 2021
On this occasion, ADRA Timor-Leste through Women Empowerment/Hakbi’it Feto project discussed with the representatives of rural women in Timor-Leste from Ainaro, Baucau and Dili municipalities to share their experiences and hear their voice in the context of the celebration of the international rural women’s day.

CSO Focus, Bobonaro: FHM
Emirenciana Nipu co-founder and executive director of Fundasaun Haburas Moris/FHM (The Foundation of Fostering Life) discusses challenges and successes of rural women in Bobanaro.

CSO Focus – United Women for Development Association Baucau
Bendita and her family live in Baucau, Timor-Leste. She is one of the founders of United Women for Development Association (Asosiasaun Feto ba Dezenvolvimentu/AUFD) a Civil Society Organisation established in 2008. Bendita has lead this woman focused organization as executive director for five years, since 2016.

European Union supports the “Empower Women” project
“Hakbiit Feto” – Empower Women – is a new European Union-funded project, implemented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in collaboration with Rede Feto and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), aiming to strengthen Timorese civil society organizations (CSOs) to operate effectively to support development and women’s social and economic empowerment.