
improving sanitation practices

WASH refers to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. In Timor-Leste, 54% of people live without adequate sanitation. In rural communities only 60% of the population has basic service water access and only 30% have access to hygienic sanitation.

ADRA works with communities to improve access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, and to raise awareness on the importance of hand washing and waste management. Lack of clean water and good sanitation is something that is often taken for granted and can debilitate entire villages with waterborne illnesses. By digging new wells and building sanitation systems, ADRA helps prevent many of the common medical problems that plague communities.

Did you Know?

Poor sanitation and access to clean water sources can debilitate entire communities. 

Here are some of the ways that we’re helping to improve WASH in communities:

 – Awareness raising on open defecation and its effects through ‘triggering’ meetings

 – Awareness raising on hygiene and sanitation

 – Utilising ‘Community Led Total Sanitation’ (CLTS) methods

 – Equipping each household with a latrine

 – Provide clean water sources within short walking distances from communities

 – Building water pump stations



Timor-Leste Field Visit 1-0160

The ‘Water Health and Sanitation’ (CLU) project, funded by DFAT and ADRA Australia, worked with three of the countries poorest, rural communities to address the deadly issues they face accessing clean water and practicing safe hygiene and sanitation. The 1.3 million inhabitants of Timor-Leste remain amongst the poorest in the world. In the three communities the project targeted, 90% of people do not have direct access to clean water, and only 5% have any form of sanitation facilities. 

The CLU project implemented 2.5km of pipeline, 25 water stands and 350 latrines as well as providing hygiene and sanitation training to reach almost 4,000 people. 



Elvira’s Story

It’s 2am in the morning. Rain is pounding on the tin roof. Elvira wants to just roll over and fall back to sleep – but nature calls. She picks her way through the overgrown grass outside the house and ventures as far into the bush as she dares: surely no one will see her here.

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Handover of Luca Water System

ADRA Timor-Leste and the community of Luca celebrated the completion of their clean water system in a handover ceremony turning over control of the system to the municipal authorities and the local community.

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The Difference Water Makes

November is the hottest, driest time of the year in in the south-eastern provinces of Timor Leste and, in communities that have been affected by the recent El Niño drought, they are hoping for the wet season to begin soon.

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