[Tetun below]
Mrs. Maria Imaculada Guterres, the Executive Director of Alola Foundation, a member of Rede Feto, represented Rede Feto to participate in the Kafe Dader talk-show, which was organized and facilitated by ADRA Timor-Leste in collaboration with the Rede Feto. The program was live through Kafé Dadeer/Morning Coffee on RTTL-EP channel and took place on November 30, 2021.
This talk-show invited the key speakers from Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), Victims Police Unit (VPU) and the Rede Feto within the circumstance of the 16 days of activism campaign to end violence against women and girls. Mrs. Maria Imaculada Guterres pointed out that the 16 days campaign to end violence against women and girls is very important to raise the awareness and sensitize the people that domestic violence and gender-based violence is public crime and must be reported when seeing it.
She added that the violence against women is prevalent within the family and therefore the action to ending the violence against women should begin from the family through the community. She also highlighted that ending the violence against women and girls requires everyone to understand that women are the key to peace. If they want peace to remain within the family, they need to uphold the dignity of women by appreciating what they do and by giving them opportunities to actively participate in social and economic activities including competing for high-level positions.
She reiterated that one of the main factors contributing to the violence against women and girls in the community includes the practice of patriarchal system that still dominant in our country especially in remote areas. Therefore, Rede Feto and its partners have a big mandate to jointly seek for ways to overcome. This includes providing more training and capacity building to communities to increase their knowledge and awareness to contribute to ending violence against women and girls.
Sra Maria highlighted that women’s participation in social and economic activities is progressing comparing to the past, as today we can see women participating at high-level political life including in the National Parliament we can see a wide range of women participating. It is very significant when compared to the situation in the past where women were not active and dependent to men’s decisions, including small decision to buy vegetable to improve children’s nutrition. However, she added that women in remote areas still face the situation where they are dependent on men and have no opportunities to contribute ideas and make decisions.
In response to the challenges above, she called on to all women that this is the time for women to live in a safe and healthy environment. This is also the time for women to be involved in various aspect of life, especially in political and economic aspects. Therefore, she asked all women, especially girls to learn more in order to engage more and compete for higher level. She challenged the mothers to participate in economic activities, to have their own income so that they can contribute to the family and take decisions within the family and at community level.
She emphasized that Rede Feto really needs support from partners to carry out activities with good quality; therefore she hoped that ADRA Timor-Leste can continue supporting Rede Feto through Hakbi’it Feto Project in order to strengthen women participation in social and economic activities. Rede Feto continues their activities in capacity building and community awareness raising including women economic empowerment and giving opportunities to girls to ensure equal participation at all levels.
For further information, please contact:
Agueda Catarina Freitas, Hakbi’it Feto Project Manager: Contact number: +67-0 77595702 or 77343963, Email: [email protected]
or visit the office at ADRA Timor-Leste, Delta II, Travessa Hali Mesak, Dili, Timor-Leste, Website: www.adra.tl ; Fb: facebook.com/adratl

Mensajen atu Hapara Violénsia Kontra Feto
Sra. Maria Imaculada Guterres, hanesan Diretora Fundasaun Alola, ne’ebé mós membru Rede Feto. Reprezenta Rede Feto hodi partisipa iha programa diskusaun ne’ebé organiza no fasilita husi ADRA Timor-Leste iha kolaborasaun ho Rede Feto. Programa ne’e halo ho publikasaun direta liuhusi programa Kafé Dadeer iha kanál RTTL-EP ne’ebé realiza ohin loron Tersa-feira, 30 Novembru 2021.
Programa diskusaun liuhusi konvida oradór prinsipál sira husi MSSI, VPU, no Rede Feto rasik ba ámbitu kampaña loron 16 ativizmu hapara violénsia kontra feto no labarik feto sira. Tuir Sra. Maria Imaculada Guterres katak “kampaña loron 16 ativizmu hapara violénsia kontra feto no labarik feto sira ne’e importante tebes ba hasae koñesimentu no konxiénsia ema nian katak violénsia doméstika no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ne’e krime publiku ida no bainhira hetan ida-ne’e tenke hato’o keixa”.
Nia hatutan tan katak violénsia kontra feto ne’e barak liu akontese iha família laran tanba ne’e asaun atu hakotu siklu violénsia sira kontra feto tenke hahú husi família laran mak kontinua ba to’o iha komunidade. Nia mós salienta katak atu hakotu violénsia kontra feto no labarik feto sira ema hotu tenke kompriende katak feto mak xave ba pás no bainhira hakarak pás kontinua metin iha família tenke tane aas dignidade feto sira nian liuhusi apresia buat ne’ebé sira halo no fó oportunidade hodi hasa’e sira-nia kapasidade atu bele partisipa ativamente iha atividade sosiál no ekonomia sira inklui kompete ba pozisaun sira nivel altu sira.
Nia reforsa tan katak fatór prinsipál sira ne’ebé kontribui ba violénsia kontra feto no labarik feto sira iha komunidade inklui mós fatór pratika sistema patriarkál ne’ebé sei domina tebes iha ita nia rain liuliu iha area remota sira, entaun papél boot ida husi Rede Feto ho ninia parseiru sira mak presiza haree hamutuk oinsá bele halakon ida-ne’e liuhusi fó formasaun no kapasitasaun barak liután ba komunidade sira hodi hasae sira-nia koñesimentu no konxiénsia para bele iha kapasidade hodi kontribui ba hapara violénsia kontra feto no labarik feto.
Informasaun liután, favor kontaktu: Agueda Catarina Freitas, Jerente Projetu Hakbi’it Feto Númeru kontaktu: +67-0 77595702 ka 77343963 Email: [email protected] ka vizita ami-nia eskritóriu iha ADRA Timor-Leste, Delta II, Travessa Hali Mesak, Dili, Timor-Leste Website: www.adra.tl ; Fb: facebook.com/adratl |
Iha parte seluk, nia informa katak feto sira-nia partisipasaun iha atividade sosiál no ekonomia agora daudaun iha progresu maka’as kompara ho tempu uluk, tanba ohin loron ita haree feto sira-nia partisipasaun iha vida polítika nivel altu mós barak hanesan ita bele haree iha parlamentu nasionál feto nia partisipasaun lubuk ida, ida-ne’e ita haree signifikante tebes bainhira kompara ho tempu sira uluk ne’ebé feto sira ladún ativu no ekonomikamente depende de’it mane sira-nia desizaun, inklui foti desizaun ki’ik sira hanesan hola modo hodi hadi’ak nutrisaun ba labarik sira mós tenke husu uluk autorizasaun husi mane sira. Mezmu nune’e nia hatutan tan katak feto sira iha area remotas sei nafatin enfrenta situasaun iha ne’ebé sira moris dependente ba mane sira no laiha oportunidade atu bele kontribui sira-nia ideias no hola desizaun ruma.
Atu hatán ba dezafiu sira iha leten, nia apela ba feto maluk sira hotu katak to’o ona tempu atu feto sira presiza moris iha ambiente ida ne’ebé seguru no saudavel no to’o ona tempu feto sira envolve aan iha aspetu moris hotu-hotu liuliu iha vida polítika, ekonomia no mós aspetu sira seluk hodi hatudu katak feto mós bele. Tanba ne’e nia husu ba feto maluk sira hotu, liuliu feto foin sa’e sira atu kapasita imi-nia aan didi’ak no aprende barak liután atu bele envolve no kompete iha nivel ida ne’ebé di’ak liután no mós ba inan feton sira katak kapasita ita-boot sira-nia aan liuhusi hakbiit ekonomia atu iha rendimentu rasik hodi bele kontribui ba família no foti desizaun rasik iha família no iha komunidade.
Nia mós subliña katak Rede Feto presiza tebes apoiu fundus no kapasitasaun husi parseiru sira atu hala’o atividade ho kualidade di’ak, tanba ne’e nia espera katak ADRA Timor-Leste bele kontinua apoia Rede feto liuhusi Projetu Hakbi’it Feto hodi haforsa feto sira atu partisipa iha vida sosiál no ekonomia. Nia mós husu atu ADRA kontinua fó apoiu nafatin ba Rede Feto hodi bele tulun ninia membru sira para bele kontinua hala’o atividade iha terrenu liuliu iha area kapasitasaun no sensibilizasaun hodi hasae konxiénsia komunidade nian inklui hakbiit ekonomia feto no fó oportunidade ba labarik feto sira atu nune’e bele partisipa ho iguál ba iha parte hotu-hotu
Informasaun liután, favor kontaktu: Agueda Catarina Freitas, Jerente Projetu Hakbi’it Feto Númeru kontaktu: +67-0 77595702 ka 77343963 Email: [email protected] ka vizita ami-nia eskritóriu iha ADRA Timor-Leste, Delta II, Travessa Hali Mesak, Dili, Timor-Leste Website: www.adra.tl ; Fb: facebook.com/adratl