[English Below]
Feto Rurál sira-nia Lian iha Ámbitu Komemorasaun Loron Internasionál Feto Rurál 2021
Iha loron ida-ne’e ADRA Timor-Leste liuhusi projetu Hakbi’it feto dada lia ho reprezentante feto rural husi munisípiu Ainaro, Baucau no Dili hodi fahe sira-nia esperiénsia no rona sira-nia lian iha ámbitu komemorasaun Loron Internasionál Feto Rurál nian.
Sra. Palmira ho idade 47 anos, husi munisípiu Ainaro via google meet hateten “ha’u sente kontente no urgullu tanba hetan oportunidade hodi bele fahe ha’u nia esperiénsia ho feto maluk sira iha Timor laran tomak iha komemorasaun loron internasionál feto rural nian.”
Nia hatutan, durante ne’e ho voluntariamente nia hala’o atividade oioin hodi fasilita inan-feton sira iha munisípiu Ainaro, liuliu grupu vulneravel sira mak hanesan sira ne’ebé la’en abandona ho oan, labarik sira ne’ebé inan-aman abandona, no mós ema ho defisiente sira liuhusi fó formasaun kona-ba oinsá ko’alia iha publiku, oinsá prevene violénsia doméstika no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, múzika no dansa tradisionál sira no envolve sira iha atividade ekonómika liuhusi grupu agrikultór sira no mós grupu suku roupa no soru tais ho objetivu atu sira mós bele esforsu aan hodi hetan netik rendimentu ruma hodi hatán ba sira-nia nesesidade loroloron nian.
Alende ne’e, Sra. Maria husi munisípiu Baucau, haktuir katak durante ne’e servisu ho voluntáriu hodi lidera grupu feto agrikultór sira hodi kuda hare, batar no strawberry. Nia hatutan katak durante ne’e nia ho nia grupu mós te’in sasoro hodi fó han labarik malnutrisaun sira no mós labarik sira seluk ne’ebé ho idade tinan 5 mai kraik iha sira-nia Suku, inan sira ne’ebé foin partus inklui inan isin rua sira ho gratuita. Liuhusi atividade refere nia mós fó formasaun ba inan sira kona-ba oinsá prepara ai-han lokál nutritivu no esplika ba sira katak ai-han ne’ebé nutritivu la’ós tenke hola iha loza ho folin karun maibé oinsá utiliza ai-han lokál hirak-ne’ebé fasil ita bele hetan husi ita-nia to’os rasik. Nia dehan, nia halo ida-ne’e tanba nia iha esperiénsia servisu iha area saúde nian durante tinan tolu no hetan ona formasaun oioin husi ONG World Vision ho TOMAK no esperiénsia refere nia hakarak fahe tutan ba inan feton sira seluk ho gratuita.
Hanesan feto ne’ebé durante ne’e servisu besik liu ho feto maluk sira ne’ebé hela iha área rurál, hakarak hateten katak feto maluk sira iha área rurál maioria hala’o atividade agrikultura hodi hatán ba nesesidade loroloron nian maibé buat hirak-ne’e la subsente ba sira tanba ne’e nia organiza sira hodi halo mós atividade ekonómika sira seluk hanesan soru tais, suku roupa, no mós fó formasaun atu hasa’e sira-nia koñesimentu, no akompaña sira lori sira-nia produtu ba merkadu maibé durante ne’e ladún folin tanba iha situasaun pandemia Covid-19. Mezmu nune’e nafatin enkoraja sira atu servisu nafatin tanba feto forte tenke servisu maka’as no hikis kosar mak bele hetan buat ruma no hamenus dependénsia ba ema seluk.
Hanesan ema ne’ebé durante ne’e fasilita hela feto maluk sira iha area rural, dezafiu ida mak laiha transporte atu ba vizita feto maluk sira regulamenta no hatán ba sira-nia preokupasaun sira bainhira sira presiza urjente, no mós limitasaun kapasidade entermus de apoiu materiál no finansas, durante ne’e nia so bele ajuda sira liuhusi formasaun no fó korajen ba sira atu halo servisu. Feto barak iha kapasidade maibé seidauk iha hanoin atu tulun feto maluk sira seluk tanba ne’e orgullu se bainhira sira mós bele rona ami-nia lian liuhusi oportunidade ida-ne’e.
Aleinde ne’e tuir Sra. Luisa husi munisípiu Dili hateten, maski ho kondisaun hanesan inan-mesak/single parents maibé nafatin halo servisu hanesan voluntáriu hodi tau matan ba grupu agrikultór feto sira no nafatin atu matan no responsavel ba ninia oan, tanba ne’e enkoraja feto maluk sira atu nafatin esforsu aan hodi servisu maka’as liután.
Sira sente orgullu ho ADRA TL nian prezensa no espera katak liuhusi projetu Hakbi’it Feto, bele hakbiit liután feto sira atu bele iha kapasidade hodi asesu no partisipa di’ak liután iha atividade sosiál no ekonomia nian ne’ebé bele kontribui ba hadi’a sira-nia moris iha sira-nia família no mós iha komunidade.
Iha parte seluk, sira mós husu atu liuhusi projetu ida-ne’e bele fasilita sira hodi estabelese sentru koletivu ida iha nivel munisípiu hodi halibur produtu lokál sira ne’ebé prodús husi sira-nia grupu, hodi halo promosaun no fa’an fali ba loza sira iha nivel munisípiu no mós iha Dili laran, atu nune’e inan feton sira fasil atu fa’an sira-nia produtu no atu bele hetan rendimentu natoon hodi hasa’e sira-nia ekonomia no hatán ba nesesidade família nian hodi redús dependénsia ba mane sira.
Ikus hakarak hato’o hela mensajen ba feto maluk sira iha timor laran tomak katak feto maluk sira tenke proativu hodi akompaña mós informasaun no mai ita hamutuk oinsá buka solusaun ba ita nia futuru liuhusi servisu maka’as tanba tenke hikis kosar mak foin bele hetan osan, no dezafia ita-boot sira atu envolve aan atividade sosiál no ekonomia ne’ebé iha tanba feto forte tenke servisu maka’as hodi hamenus dependénsia ba mane sira.
Ami husu atu ADRA nia projetu bele to’o iha ami-nia fatin hodi enkoraja nafatin ami liuliu servisu hamutuk atu tulun inan-feton sira hodi redús labarik feto kaben sedu no ikus la’en abandona hela sira ho sira nia oan liuhusi fó kapasitasaun no korajen ba sira hodi hala’o servisu no envolve iha atividade sosiál no ekonomia nian hodi hasa’e sira-nia rendimentu no hadi’ak sira nia ekonomia mezmu moris mesak maibé bele sustenta sira-nia aan.
Ikus liu husu ba feto maluk sira iha Timor laran tomak atu nafatin servisu maka’as maski hasoru problema oioin, importante mak labele baruk no tenke iha vontade atu halo esforsu hotu-hotu hodi bele hetan rezultadu di’ak.
The Voice of Rural Women in the Context of International Rural Women’s Day 2021
On this occasion, ADRA Timor-Leste through Women Empowerment/Hakbi’it Feto project discussed with the representatives of rural women in Timor-Leste from Ainaro, Baucau and Dili municipalities to share their experiences and hear their voice in the context of the celebration of the international rural women’s day.
Sra. Palmira ho idade anos, husi munisípiu Ainaro via google meet hateten “I feel happy and proud to have the opportunity to share my experience with fellow women in entire territory of Timor-Leste in the context of international rural women’s day.”
She added that she has been voluntarily engaged in various activities to facilitate the women in the Municipality of Ainaro, especially poor and vulnerable groups such as those abandoned by their husband and abandoned children, and people with disabilities through training on public speaking, how to prevent domestic violence and gender based violence, traditional songs and dances and involve them in economic activities through farmers groups such as planting vegetables, peanuts, beans, as well as sawing and weaving with the objective to improve their income to respond to their daily needs.
In addition, Mrs.Maria from Baucau municipality stated that she has been working as a volunteer to lead the women farmers groups to grow rice, maize, and strawberry. She added their groups also cooked porridge to feed malnourish children and other children under 5 years old, newborn mothers, including pregnant mothers, and they have been doing this for free to the community. Through this activity they also provide training to mothers on how to select and prepare nutritious food by using local crops, and they also inform them that nutritious food should not be bought with expensive prices from supermarket or shop, but how to utilize what we can easily find from our own garden. She said that she is doing this because she has three years working experience in health program and already received lots of training facilitated by World Vision and TOMAK, that’s why she is willing to share with others for free.
Hance, according to Mrs. Lusia from Dili Municipality, said that she is working as volunteer to lead the women farmers groups and also taking care her child even though she is a single mother, therefore she encourages and challenge fellow women to continue efforts to improve themselves.
I am very grateful for the presence of the ADRA TL and hope that through this Hakbi’it Feto project would empower the women so that they have more power and capacity to have better access and participate in social and economic activities that could contribute to improve their life, family and the community.
On the other hand, they also proposed that this project could also help them to facilitate the establishment of a collective Centre at the Municipality level to collect local products produced by their groups, to promote and sell them to the shops and supermarkets at the Municipal level and also in Dili, this will enable the women to easily sell their product and obtain enough income to increase their economy and respond to the needs of their families.
As rural Timorese women we would like to convey a message to all of the Timorese women that the women can be proactive and listen look for the information. Let us work together to find solutions for our future by working hard as it’s the way to provide for our families. Engage yourself in social and economic activities because a strong rural woman must be proactive.
We hope that the ADRA project could reach up to our village and work together to continue encouraging us, especially to help women to reduce the number of girls early marriage and finally abandoned by their husbands to stay alone with their children. By providing them with training and encourage them to carry out their work and engaging in Social and economic activities to increase their income and improve their economy even though living alone.
Finally, I challenge all women in Timor-Leste to continue to be encouraged despite the problems you are facing, it is important not get discouraged and to have a willingness to do all the efforts to achieve good results.