This photo is the result of two days Nutrition training. On the day-1: The facilitator share information about nutrition, good hygiene practice, good method of using toilet, clean water at the community and the training targeted to mothers with babies and the training facilitated by the facilitator from ADRA. The facilitator also prepared the simple menu for mothers to practice through cooking demo. In addition, the facilitator also demonstrated the group of food for: Energy, Grow and Protection.

On the day-2: The facilitator show them the practice on how to prepare nutritious porridge for the children age 1 – 5 years old; as well as practice how to prepare meal for babies 6 – 9 months old using pumpkin and egg yolks.
Activity Nutrition Training
Foto ne,e Resultadu husi Nutrisaun training ba loron rua, loron Primeiru Fasilitador Fahe informsaun kona ba Nutrisaun Inan ho Oan, no oinsa Pratika hygiene diak, Metodu Usa Sintina, Be mos iha Komunidade, depois de Treinamentu Fasilitator Husi ADRA Mos prapara mos menu Simples ba Inan sira liu husi aktividade Demostrasaun tein, Hatudu mos Grupo Aihan Fo Forca, Fo Haburas no Fo Prostesaun.
Iha loron Segundo Fasilitator ADRA pratika oinsa tein sasoro nebe ho Nutrisaun diak ba labarik tinan 1-5, no Pratika mos Aihan ba labarik fulan 6-9, hanesan Sun Lakeru, ida ne,e usa Aihan local hanesan Lakeru tasak no Manu tolun nia kinur.
Originally Reported by: Esmeralda Quintao, HaHan Project Nutrition Officer
Translated by: Deonisio Alves, M&E Officer HaHan and FarMar projects
Photo: (c) 2021 ADRA Timor-Leste, Esmeralda Quintao