16 & 17 February 2022
Reprezentante Organizasaun Membru Rede Feto Timor-Leste nian partisipa iha sorumutu atu estabelese Planu Estratéjiku ba Hasa’e Kapasidade no dezenvolve matadalan ba estabelesimentu Plataforma Aprendizajen ba Rede Feto ho ninia membru organizasaun sira. Liuhusi sorumutu ne’e membru sira Rede feto nian mós hetan formasaun kona-ba oinsá dezeña broxura ba sira-nia organizasaun nian ka halo deklarasaun kapasidade no materiál merkadoria organizasaun nian.
Nu’udar rezultadu husi sorumutu ida-ne’e, mak sei dezenvolve Planu Estratéjiku Kapasitasaun nian no mós matadalan ida ba Plataforma Aprendizajen ba Rede Feto ho ninia membru organizasaun sira ne’ebé sekretariada Rede Feto nian mak sei jere. Plataforma aprendizajen ne’e sei serve hanesan sentru ba aprendizajen no kompartilla koñesimentu entre membru sira aumezmu tempu utiliza rekursu interna hodi hasa’e kapasidade organizasaun membru sira nian inklui fornese servisu sira seluk ba kliente potensiál sira husi instituisaun governu, ajénsia nasionál no internasionál, parseiru no indivíduu sira hodi bele hasa’e rendimentu Rede Feto nian.
Haktuir ba Sra. Jacinta Pereira husi Asosiasaun Emprezária Mulher Timor-Leste (AEMTL) nu’udar partisipante iha sorumutu ida-ne’e hateten katak sorumutu ne’e importante tebes ba Diretores Organizasaun Membrus Rede Feto nian, tanba mezmu ho tempu badak maibé partisipante sira bele kontribui ideias no hatene oinsá atu prosesu halo planu estratéjiku ne’ebé di’ak, halo avaliasaun atividade no aprende mós oinsá uza aplikasaun Canva hodi halo dezeñu ba relatóriu, pamfletu no broxura.
Iha parte seluk, tuir Sra. Felismina Belo, Diretora Uma Pas (Uma PAS) Baucau hateten katak sorumutu ne’e kapás tebes no ami bele aplika fali rezultadu husi sorumutu ida-ne’e iha ha’u-nia organizasaun tanba informasaun hirak-ne’e relevante tebes ho organizasaun ne’ebé ha’u servisu ba hodi hadi’a di’ak liu tan.
Sorumutu ne’e realiza husi ADRA Timor-Leste liuhusi Projetu Hakbi’it Feto ne’ebé hetan apoiu fundus husi Uniaun Europeia no implementa iha parseria ho Rede Feto Timor-Leste.

The representatives of the Rede Feto Timor-Leste members participated in a workshop on making the Capacity Strengthening Strategic Plan and developing guideline for the establishment of the Learning Platform for Rede Feto and its member organizations. Through this workshop, the members of the Rede Feto Timor-Leste also received training on how to design the organisations’ capacity statement and marketing materials.
As the result of this workshop, the Capacity Strengthening Strategic Plan and the guideline for a Learning Platform will be developed for Rede Feto and its member organizations, which will be managed by the Rede Feto secretariat. The Learning Platform serve as a center for learning and knowledge sharing among the Rede Feto members as well as using the internal resources for developing the capacity of its members include providing other service delivery to potential clients that include government institutions, national and international agencies, partners as well as individuals to increase the income for Rede Feto.
According to Mrs. Jacinta Pereira from Timor-Leste Women Entrepreneurs Association (AMETL) who participated in the workshop stated that this workshop is very important for the Directors of the Rede Feto membership organisations because despite a short time, they can contribute ideas and learn the process of how to make strategic plan, evaluate the activities as well learning on how to use Canva application for designing oragnisation’s reports, pamphlet, and brochures.
Mrs. Felismena Belo, the director of Peace House (Uma Pas), said that it was a very good workshop, and I will apply the result of the workshop in my organization because the information is relevant to the organization, I am working for in order to make better improvement.
The workshop conducted by ADRA Timor-Leste through Hakbi’it Feto Project, which is funded by European Union and implement in partnership with the Rede Feto Timor-Leste.