
Uniaun Europeia apoia projetu “Hakbiit Feto” atu sosialmente no ekonomikamente haforsa feto sira iha Timor-Leste
“Hakbiit Feto” –ne’e projetu foun ida-ne’ebé finansiadu husi Uniaun Europeia, no implementa husi Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) iha kolaborasaun ho Rede Feto no Kooperasaun Austríaka ba Dezenvolvimentu (ADC), ho objetivu atu fortalese Organizasaun Sosiedade Sivíl Timor Oan nian (OSS) atu bele hala’o operasaun ho efikás hodi apoia dezenvolvimentu no empoderamentu sosiál no ekonómika feto sira nian.
Dili, dia 09 de Maiu de 2021
Atualmente iha Timor-Leste, obstakulu prinsipál ba feto sira mak nafatin iha kondisaun kiak tebes, kazu violénsia doméstika ne’ebé akontese beibeik no mós falta rekoñesimentu ba feto sira-nia kontribuisaun iha vida polítika, ekonómika no sosiál. Empoderamentu ekonómiku ne’e partikularmente krusiál tanba konflitu sira ne’ebé akontese durante okupasaun Indonézia nian no violénsia hirak-ne’ebé akontese depoizde konsulta popular ba independénsia iha tinan 1999 ne’ebé husik hela kuaze metade husi inan-feton sira iha Timor moris faluk no sai hanesan provedór úniku iha sira-nia família.
Hakbiit Feto sei kontribui hodi hasa’e respeitu ba direitu fundamentál umanu nian liuhusi apoia no haforsa papél feto sira nian nu’udar ajente xave ba dezenvolvimentu sustentavel no mudansa, liuliu feto hirak-ne’ebé vulneravel liu. Inisiativa ida-ne’e formalmente hahú iha dia 01 de Marsu de 2021, ho objetivu atu promove inkluzaun sosiál no kria oportunidade ekonómiku ba feto sira iha Timor-Leste no atu haforsa kapasidade organizasaun sosiedade sivíl lokál (OSS) sira hodi hala’o operasaun ho efikás. Komunikadu imprensa ida-ne’e aprezenta hanesan truka ida ba lansamentu ofisiál ida hodi hasoru-malu oin ho oin tanba atualmente iha hela restrisaun ba COVID-19 iha Dili.
Ho doasaun ida husi Uniaun Europeia ho totál USD 869.565 no kontribuisaun husi Kooperasaun Austríaka ba Dezenvolvimentu (ADC) ho totál USD38.587, ADRA ho Rede Feto servisu hamutuk atu implementa projetu ho durasaun tinan 4 iha munisípiu haat mak hanesan: Ainaro, Bobonaro, Baucau no Dili. Inisiativa ida-ne’e sei tulun organizasaun sosiedade sivíl hamutuk 45 hodi kria konxiénsia no inkluzaun jéneru, no mós apoia xefe família feto sira ho atividade produsaun, prosesamentu, komérsiu, no mós rai no empresta osan.
Hakbiit Feto nia objetivu prinsipál mak atu empodera feto sira sosialmente no ekonomikamente. Projetu ne’e sei fornese edukasaun kona-ba agrikultura intelijente ba klimátika, métodu produsaun orgánika, koñesimentu báziku kona-ba negósiu, literária no numerasaun, fasilita agrikultór sira asesu ba mikro-finansas atu nune’e bele asesu ba merkadu. Projetu ida-ne’e mós sei fornese informasaun loloos ne’ebé konfiavel kona-ba merkadu, presu, fornesedór sira no mós kona-ba klima no rai ne’ebé iha kualidade, liuhusi aplikasaun ida iha telemovel, hodi bele hasa’e produtividade no venda husi agrikultór feto sira.
“Igualdade entre feto no mane ne’e katak feto no mane sira sai hanesan prinsípiu fundamentál ida ba Uniaun Europeia. Ida husi ami-nia objetivu prinsipál sira mak asegura igualdade, no ida-ne’e hanesan batalla importante ida ne’ebé presiza luta hasoru, tantu iha Uniaun Europeia laran ou fora husi Uniaun Europeia. Investe iha empoderamentu iha pakote ekonómiku feto Timor sira nian koloka ami iha kanál ne’ebé loos ba igualdade jéneru, halakon kiak no kreximentu ekonómiku inkluzivu. Feto sira fó ona kontribuisaun ne’ebé boot tebes iha Timor nia ekonomia, tantu iha empreza, esplorasaun agríkola, nune’e mós iha emprezáriu ka empregada no mós iha halo servisu doméstiku sira lahó pagamentu iha uma. Organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira hanesan ADRA no Rede Feto, normalmente koloka atu halo servisu iha nivel lokál hodi bele loke feto sira nia podér no subliña valor agregadu sira atu feto sira bele hetan reprezentasaun adekuada iha sosiedade. Ha’u sente orgullu tebetebes hodi lansa projetu Hakbiit Feto iha Timor-Leste,” hateten Sr. Andrew Jacobs, Embaixadór Uniaun Europeia nian ba Timor-Leste.
“Rede Feto Timor-Leste iha kompromisu forte hodi implementa projetu foun ida-ne’e no ami iha konfiansa ba parseiru sira ne’e hotu. Ami agradese ba Uniaun Europeia liuhusi ADRA Timor-Leste ba sira-nia konfiansa atu serbisu hamutuk ho Rede Feto iha Projetu Habiit Feto,” hateten Zelia Fernandes, Prezidente Konsellu Rede Feto Timor-Leste.
“Feto sira partikularmente sei hetan esperiénsia efeitu pozitivu sira husi ami-nia inisiativa ne’e liuhusi iha kbiit atu bele tama merkadu hirak-ne’ebé antes ne’e taka ba sira no hetan rendimentu ida-ne’ebé konfiavel, auto-sufisiénsia/moris rasik, no mós seguransa, ba sira-nia aan rasik nune’e mós ba sira-nia oan sira. Konetividade ne’e hanesan ida husi ADRA ninia valór prinsipál sira. Iha koneksaun ho ami-nia parseiru OSS sira, no fortalese sira-nia alkansa no kolaborasaun, ami iha kompromisu atu empodera feto sira individualmente, maibé organiza mós ba organizasaun hirak-ne’ebé bazeadu iha komunidade hanesan eskema rai no empresta osan iha suku, iha grupu ba produsaun no prosesamentu agríkola nune’e mós ba fa’an koletivu,” dehan Marcel Wagner, Country Director ADRA Austria.
Enkuantu 80% Timoroan dependente ba agrikultura subsisténsia hanesan sira-nia fonte prinsipál ba rendimentu, retornu produtividade husi serbisu agrikultura nian mak 75% – 80% ne’e menus liu kompara ho produtividade agríkola iha País sira iha Sudeste Aziátiku. Falta empregu no oportunidade alternativa sira substánsia sira, liuliu entre feto sira, sai hanesan kauza prinsipál ba kiak no vulnerabilidade. Absorsaun ba mikro-finansas iha nivel Nasionál iha de’it 5%. Feto sira iha asesu no kontrolu ne’ebé menus liu ba ativus/asets produtivu sira no mós ekipamentu hirak-ne’ebé bele ekonomiza sira-nia serbisu, no rede komersiál ne’ebé ki’ik liu/lokalizadu liu duké mane sira.
Ba konsulta mídia nian, favor kontaktu:
Marsaulina Pasaribu, Programme Director
ADRA Timor-Leste
European Union supports the “Empower Women” project to socially and economically strengthen women in Timor-Leste
“Hakbiit Feto” – Empower Women – is a new European Union-funded project, implemented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in collaboration with Rede Feto and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), aiming to strengthen Timorese civil society organizations (CSOs) to operate effectively to support development and women’s social and economic empowerment.
Dili, 9th May 2021
Currently in Timor-Leste, the main challenges for women remain deep poverty, frequent cases of domestic violence and lack of recognition of women’s contribution to the political, economic and social spheres. Economic empowerment is particularly crucial as conflict during the Indonesian occupation and violence following the popular consultation on independence in 1999 left nearly half of all Timorese women widowed and sole providers for their family.
Hakbiit Feto will contribute to increasing respect for fundamental human rights by supporting and strengthening the role of women as key agents for sustainable development and change, particularly the most vulnerable women. The initiative formally got underway on 1 March 2021, aiming to promote social inclusion and economic opportunities for women in Timor-Leste and to strengthen the capacity of local civil society organisations (CSOs) to operate effectively. This press release is presented in lieu of an official face to face launch due to current COVID-19 restrictions in Dili.
With a grant from the European Union of USD 869,565 and an Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) contribution of USD 38,587 ADRA and Rede Feto are teaming up to implement this four- year project in four municipalities: Ainaro, Bobanaro, Baucau, and Dili. The initiative will help 45 CSOs to create gender awareness and inclusion, and support female heads of households in production, processing, trading, saving, and loan activities.
Hakbiit Feto’s main objective is to empower women socially and economically. It will provide education on climate-smart agriculture, organic production methods, business basic literacy and numeracy, facilitating farmers’ access to micro-finance so they can access the markets. It will also provide a wide range of real-time and reliable information on markets, prices, vendors as well as weather and soil quality, through a mobile application, to boost the productivity and sales of women farmers.
“Equality between women and men is a fundamental principle of the European Union. Ensuring equality is one of our core objectives, and this is an important battle to fight, both inside and outside the EU. Investing in Timorese women’s economic empowerment sets them on a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women make an enormous contribution to the Timorese economy, whether in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing unpaid care work at home. Civil society organisations like ADRA and Rede Feto are often best placed to work at the local level to unlock the power of women and to underline the added value of having women adequately represented in society. I am very proud to launch the Hakbiit Feto project in Timor-Leste”, said Mr Andrew Jacobs, European Union Ambassador to Timor-Leste.
“Rede Feto Timor-Leste has a strong commitment to implement this new project and we believe in all partners. We are thankful to the European Union through ADRA Timor-Leste in their trust to work together with Rede Feto in the Hakbiit Feto Project”, said Zelia Fernandes, Board Chair of Rede Feto Timor-Leste.
“Women in particular will experience the positive effects of our initiative by being able to enter a marketplace previously closed to them and providing dependable income, self-reliance, and even safety, to them and their children. Connectedness is one of ADRA’s core values. Connected to our CSO partners, and strengthening their reach and collaboration, we are committed to empower women; individually, but also organized in community-based organizations such as village savings, and loan schemes, in groups for agricultural production and processing, as well as for collective marketing“, said Marcel Wagner, Country Director of ADRA Austria.
While 80% of Timorese depend on subsistence agriculture as primary source of income, productivity returns on agriculture labour are 75%-80% lower than agriculture productivity in most South-East Asian countries. Lack of employment and alternate livelihood opportunities especially among women, are major causes for poverty and vulnerability. Uptake of microfinance nationally is only 5%. Women tend to have less access and control over productive assets and labour-saving equipment, and smaller/more-localised trading networks than men.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Marsaulina Pasaribu, Programme Director
ADRA Timor-Leste [email protected]