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ADRA Timor-Leste celebrated another important event by signing a grant Agreement with Civil Society Organizations members of the Women Network, Rede Feto, to implement the Numeracy & Business Literacy Program in Four Municipalities
On Monday, 23 January 2023 – ADRA Timor-Leste through the Women’s Empowerment Project celebrated another important moment in the empowerment process of women and women’s groups in the economic and business sectors by signing an agreement with four civil society organisations (CSOs). These CSOs are under the umbrella of Rede Feto Timor-Leste and will implement a numeracy and business literacy program in the municipalities of Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro and Dili. The grants will focus mainly on women’s groups running small businesses.
This is the third agreement signed with selected organisations. For this grant selected organisations were: Fundasaun Esperança, Asosiasaun Unidade Feto ba Dezenvolvimentu (AUFD), Fundasaun Harii Moris Foun (HMF) and Fundasaun Kolegas Da Paz (KDP) and will focus on training for targeted women groups in relevant municipalities on numeracy and business literacy to promote their skills in business activities to earn more income in order to contribute to increase of financial independence and reduce domestic violence.
After signed the agreement, Ms. Bendita de Jesus, the director of the Asosiasaun Unidade Feto ba Dezenvolvimentu (AUFD), said that she is happy and proud because the signing of this agreement is a symbolic event that shows the trust ADRA TL and Rede Feto TL has given to them to facilitate training to increase women’s knowledge in business to improve their business activities so that they can generate more income to sustain their lives and their families.
She added that AUFD will identify and select the group of women who are active in business and willing to learn more to participate in the train and will continue to monitor and provide coaching to their business activities as well as providing technical support when necessary. AUFD will coordinate the local CSOs operating in the relevant municipality and will assign a local technical staff to perform the work.
“AUFD will put more efforts to make this a successful activity because AUFD have a great dream that targeted groups should have better business skills so that they can expand their business, especially transform from livelihood farming to commercial farming and generate more income to help their families and at the same time to prevent domestic violence,” said Mrs. Bendita de Jesus.
Mr. Fernando Neves, the director of Fundasaun Harii Moris Foun (HMF), stated that the signing of this agreement is a good opportunity for HMF to contribute to women’s empowerment process by increasing the capacity of targeted women’s groups to promote their own economy through good and healthy business activities.
He added that HMF have sufficient capacity to bring changes to women’s lives because they will follow and apply the business guidelines obtained during the Training of Trainers (TOT). Through this program, HMF also will train the targeted groups on how to do their business based on the evolution requirement so that they can obtain more income and enjoy their rights in the family and community as well as contributing to the decision making both at the family and group level. HFM believe that this program will bring positive changes in business strategies of the targeted groups that will guarantee good future in economic life.
He also said that this program is very important and relevant with the current businesswomen’s situation due to the fact that many women engaging in business activities with limited knowledge. HMF see that this is a great time to invest and help women to improve their situation.





ADRA Timor-Leste Selebra tan Eventu Importante ida Liuhusi Asina Akordu Serbisu ho Organizasaun Sosiedade Sivil Membru Rede Feto nian atu Implementa program Numerasaun & Literasia Negósiu iha Munisípiu Haat.
Iha loron Segunda-feira, dia 23 Janeiru 2023 – ADRA Timor-Leste liuhusi Projetu Hakbiit Feto selebra tan momentu importante ida iha prosesu empoderamentu feto no grupu feto sira iha setór ekonomia no negósiu liuhusi asina akordu ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil hamutuk haat ne’ebé hamahon aan iha sombriña Rede Feto Timor-Leste nian atu implementa programa numerasaun no literasia negósiu iha munisípiu Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro no Dili ne’ebé foku liu ba grupu feto sira ne’ebé haknaar aan iha vida negósiu.
Iha akordu ba datoluk ne’e organizasaun selesionadu sira han esan Fundasaun Esperansa, Asosiasaun Unidade Feto ba Dezenvolvimentu (AUFD), Fundasaun Harii Moris Foun ((HMF) no mós Fundasaun Kolegas Da Paz (KDP) sei foku liu iha for formasaun ba grupu feto alvu sira iha munisípiu relevante sira kona-ba numerasaun no literasaun negósiu hodi promove sira-nia abilidade iha numerasaun no literasia negósiu hodi bele hadi’ak sira-nia atividade negósiu atu bele hetan rendimentu liután nune’e bele kontribui ba hamenus dependénsia ekonomia no hamenus númeru violénsia iha família.
Depoizde asina akordu, Sra. Bendita de Jesus, nu’udar diretora Asosiasaun Unidade Feto ba Dezenvolvimentu (AUFD) informa katak nia kontente no orgullu tanba asina akordu ida-ne’e hanesan eventu simbóliku ida husi ADRA TL no Rede Feto TL nia konfiansa ba sira atu fó formasaun hodi hasa’e feto maluk sira-nia koñesimentu iha negósiu hodi hadi’ak sira-nia atividade negósiu nune’e bele hetan rendimentu barak liután hodi bele sustenta sira-nia moris no mós sira-nia família.
Nia hatutan tan katak AUFD sei halo identifikasaun hodi hili grupu feto ne’ebé ativu iha negósiu no iha vontade di’ak atu aprende hodi fó formasaun ba sira no sei nafatin halo monitorizasaun no akompañamentu ba sira iha sira-nia atividade negósiu nian hodi nafatin fó apoiu tékniku bainhira presiza. AUFD sei koordena ho OSS lokál hirak-ne’ebé eziste iha munisípiu relevante no sei aloka pesoál tékniku lokál ida hodi hala’o serbisu refere.
“AUFD sei esforsu maka’as hodi halo atividade ne’e susesu tanba AUFD iha mehi boot atu grupu alvu sira bele iha abilidade negósiu ne’ebé di’ak, liuliu muda husi agrikultura subsisténsia ba agrikultura komérsiu atu nune’e bele hetan rendimentu di’ak liután hodi tulun sira-nia família no aumezmu tempu prevene violénsia doméstika”, hateten Sra. Bendita de Jesus.
Iha parte seluk, Sr. Fernando Neves, nu’udar diretór Fundasaun Harii Moris Foun (HMF), hateten katak asina akordu ida-ne’e hanesan oportunidade di’ak ida ba HMF atu kontribui iha prosesu empoderamentu feto liuhusi hasa’e grupu feto sira-nia kapasidade atu promove rasik sira-nia ekonomia liuhusi negósiu ne’ebé di’ak no saudavel.
Nia informa liután katak HMF iha kapasidade natoon atu lori mudansa ba inan-feton sira nia moris tanba sei la’o tuir no aplika loloos matadalan negósiu nian ne’ebé hetan ona durante formasaun ba treinadór sira (TOT). Liuhusi programa ida-ne’e, HMF mós sei hanorin grupu feto alvu sira atu hala’o negósiu tuir rekizius evolusaun nian nune’e bele hetan rendimentu di’ak atu bele goza sira-nia direitu iha família no komunidade nune’e mós bele kontribui ba foti desizaun iha nivel família no grupu. HMF fiar katak programa ida-ne’e sei lori mudansa pozitivu ba iha maneira negósiu grupu alvu sira nian ne’ebé sei garante futuru di’ak iha vida ekonomia.
Nia mós informa katak programa ida-ne’e importante tebes no relevante ho kondisaun atuál husi feto sira-nia negósiu tanba feto barak mak hala’o atividade negósiu ho koñesimentu limitadu ne’ebé dala barak difisil atu atrai liután sosa na’in sira. HMF haree katak ida-ne’e mak tempu ne’ebé loloos atu investe no ajuda feto sira sai husi situasaun ne’ebé halo sira kontinua sai vulneravel.